Welcome to CERTIFYNow, NYSCRA’s Realtime Certified Reporter Exam! NYSCRA Voluntary Certification Committee Chair Debra A. Levinson, CSR-RMR-CRR-CRI-RCR and the volunteers responsible for delivering this exam are pleased to welcome you to CERTIFYNow.
Adding value to NYSCRA’s credentials, the New York State Office of Court Administration now accepts both the Association Certified Reporter exam and newly designed Realtime Certified Reporter exam as qualifying certificates for provisional appointment in lieu of assessment exam. Similarly, the United States District Court granted recognition of the new Realtime Certified Reporter exam as being eligible for salary increases.
Having ample chances to test is said to increase one’s ability to pass. And that is what makes CERTIFYNow a lot more practical and a lot less stressful. Read more about the advantages of our new RCR appointment-based testing here.
Register for the new CERTIFYNow testing program and schedule the Realtime Certified Reporter exam by making an appointment with a NYSCRA test proctor. There are separate log-in tabs and pricing for members and non-members. After completing an online form and making your payment, you will receive an automatic verification of your registration. That verification email will include a link to an online calendar so you can select your exam date and time as well as a link to an honor pledge document, which you must read, sign, and return ASAP via email to [email protected]. After the honor pledge is signed and returned, you will be connected with your exam proctor. You will also receive information on how you can connect to NYSCRA’s content repository that contains important information and documents in preparation for your upcoming test. Please read all the documents.
To register for an exam, please click HERE
Additional resources: CERTIFYNow FAQs Demystifying The RCR Test-Taking Process What is an Error
Relaxation recordings for test-taking anxiety, created by Jeffrey Migdow, M.D., for the New York State Court Reporters Association, are available for purchase through NYSCRA website: https://www.nyscra.org/the-mall
Contact [email protected] for more information